
  • IDS’s Programs and Activities:

Throughout the world, individuals with low income in both urban and rural areas, especially those in rural areas face many challenges and problems. Furthermore, urban-rural communities have valuable interconnectedness which with partnerships and collaboration, we can develop and strengthen. IDS’s work covers a wide range of activities both geographically and thematically as well as across sectors including education & training, technical assistance, research & consultancy, health, agriculture, conferences & workshops. These also offer exciting innovations in policy and practice.



IDS’s Activities

  • IDS collaborates and works with individuals, groups, public and private agencies.
  • IDS generates initiatives on local development (efforts) that produce stronger and healthier communities.
  • IDS works together with the communities to enhance the capacities of individuals and communities through programs, building international and national education support, and improving livelihoods through community focused programs and projects.
  • IDS works together with local communities and with them seeks feasible solutions to improve lives and livelihoods.
  • IDS designs innovative programs to advance positive changes. Our program of activities include also technologies for local solutions.
  • IDS collects and disseminates information on low income and rural communities
  • ” IDS also provides technical assistance, program evaluation, consultancy services and policy research to governments, international & local agencies, nonprofit organizations, individuals and other groups..
    ” IDS carries out research, rigorous empirical analysis as well as information that creates the best foundation for any decision making process.
    ” IDS works to improve the standard of living of individuals, families and communities especially in low income communities.
    ” IDS carries out research and consultancy on development in general.
    ” IDS is effective in identifying and reinforcing the capacities of individuals and communities, and working together to strengthen and sustaining these capacities for a better life.


Building and Creating Positive Changes Together


IDS works together with the communities to develop individuals and communities’ capabilities; IDS helps to generate greater synergy. IDS reinforces community self-reliance and technology (know-how), encourage local businesses, raises ownerships with assets control, promotes working relationships, and helps communities to take advantage of economic opportunities. IDS engages low income communities in creating and growing their own wealth and building wealth that adds up; building up businesses that can fill in the gaps in the value chain as well as assisting in creating valuable employment. IDS assists in bringing together unemployed and underutilized resources into fuller participation and production that create a fuller functioning wealth creating value chain. This creates more value that becomes rooted in the people and generating sustainable livelihoods. IDS assists in building and strengthening the multi-forms of community’s capital such as human capital, natural capital, physical capital and financial capital.


Thus IDS develops, and strengthens:
  • Leadership skills.
  • Interpersonal, social, and communication skills.
  • Creating productive employment skills and job-related skills.
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Civic-engagement skills.
  • Decision-making skills.
  • Income generating activities and wealth creating skills.
  • Utilization of skills.

Three specific programs: Livelihood, Youth Program, and Volunteer Program


      • Livelihood Program

An initial focus is on Livelihood. Having a decent and stable livelihood is important for robust family units as everything else depends on that such as healthy individuals & families, good education, good housing, lively communities, and strong economy.

By enlightening various ways in which livelihood matters and emphasizing the novel ways of acquiring and sustaining livelihoods, we believe we can promote partnership and cooperation/collaboration among leaders and decision makers in different areas to assist families and individuals to lead meaningful lives.


      • Youth Program

The main aim of Community Youth Development Program is to engage with youth on various functions including rural community’s functions, community development and inspire the youth to render service to the society, strengthening their community and family ties.  Enhance their ability to mobilize resources for addressing local needs.


      • Volunteer Program

IDS believes good decision making requires both understanding of the socio-economic issues on rural communities and the perceptions of the local communities on these issues. The rural community craves for local solutions to local problems and the elimination of poverty and the socioeconomic disparities. Furthermore, IDS is devoted to bringing in necessary human resources which can also be retained in the communities to contribute in the improvement of the welfare of the communities. (Read more).